Config Registration

Before an instance can be created, we must first register a config file, which contains the declarative representation of our instance.

This can be done in two ways:

Invoking the config registry directly

After your ComponentsManager, you can register any number of configs via its configRegistry:

await manager.configRegistry.register('path/or/url/to/config.jsonld');

Registering config during components manager building

If you want to register configs during the build phase of your ComponentsManager, you can do this via the configLoader callback:

const manager = await{
  mainModulePath: __dirname, // Path to your npm package's root
  configLoader: (registry) => registry.register('path/or/url/to/config-my-component.jsonld'),

Similar to registration by triple stream, components can also be instantiated by triple stream using the registerStream method.


The easiest way to instantiate a component is by invoking a component configuration by URL or path.

This can be done by calling: await manager.instantiate(''). This returns a promise that resolves to the newly constructed instance.

For example, our registered config file could have contained:

  "@id": "",
  "@type": "ex:MyModule/MyComponent",
  "ex:MyModule/MyComponent#name": "John"

This requires the component to be registered via its module.

The instantiate method takes the IRI of the configuration to instantiate as first parameter (@id). Note that the referenced components must be registered before, otherwise the promise will reject with an error.

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