The range of a parameter can be set to XSD datatypes such as xsd:boolean and xsd:string, and any provided values will be type-checked against this type.

As of Components.js 5.x, ranges also support more complex algebraic data types, such as the union of certain types.


Components.js has the ability to automatically convert specific parameter ranges to certain JavaScript datatypes. Currently, the following conversions of literals are supported:

Range JavaScript
xsd:boolean boolean
xsd:integer number
xsd:number number
xsd:int number
xsd:byte number
xsd:long number
xsd:float float
xsd:decimal float
xsd:double float
rdf:JSON object (requires values to be annotated with "@type": "@json", will be auto-generated with Components-Generator.js)
All others string


JSON-LD Shortcut URI Description
ParameterRange oo:ParameterRange The range of a parameter.
ParameterRangeUndefined oo:ParameterRangeUndefined Range that accepts undefined values.
ParameterRangeWildcard oo:ParameterRangeWildcard Range that accepts all values.
ParameterRangeArray oo:ParameterRangeArray Range that accepts an array of values of type oo:parameterRangeValue.
ParameterRangeRest oo:ParameterRangeRest Range within a tuple that represents the rest operation for the value referred to by oo:parameterRangeValue.
ParameterRangeKeyof oo:ParameterRangeKeyof Range that accepts a key from the component referred to by oo:parameterRangeValue.
ParameterRangeLiteral oo:ParameterRangeLiteral Range that accepts a literal of value oo:parameterRangeValue.
ParameterRangeUnion oo:ParameterRangeUnion Range that accepts a union over the ranges oo:parameterRangeElements.
ParameterRangeIntersection oo:ParameterRangeIntersection Range that accepts an intersection over the ranges oo:parameterRangeElements.
ParameterRangeTuple oo:ParameterRangeTuple Range that accepts a tuple over the ranges oo:parameterRangeElements.
ParameterRangeCollectEntries oo:ParameterRangeCollectEntries Range that accepts an entry collection over oo:parameterRangeCollectEntriesParameters.
ParameterRangeGenericComponent oo:ParameterRangeGenericComponent Range that refers to a generic component (oo:genericTypeInstancesComponentScope) instantiation with types (oo:genericTypeInstance).
ParameterRangeGenericTypeReference oo:ParameterRangeGenericTypeReference Range that refers to a generic type oo:parameterRangeGenericType.
ParameterRangeIndexed oo:ParameterRangeIndexed Range that accepts an indexed type for object oo:parameterRangeIndexedObject and index oo:parameterRangeIndexedIndex.


The type oo:ParameterRange is automatically inferred when linked to a parameter using range, so that type does not have to be defined explicitly.


JSON-LD Shortcut URI Domain → Range Description
parameterRangeValue oo:parameterRangeValue oo:ParameterRangeArray, oo:ParameterRangeRest, oo:ParameterRangeKeyof, oo:ParameterRangeLiteral → ? Value of a parameter range
parameterRangeElements oo:parameterRangeElement oo:ParameterRangeUnion, oo:ParameterRangeIntersection → oo:ParameterRange Elements of a union or intersection
parameterRangeCollectEntriesParameters oo:parameterRangeCollectEntriesParameters oo:ParameterRangeCollectEntries → oo:ParameterRange Collect entry parameters.
genericTypeInstancesComponentScope oo:genericTypeInstancesComponentScope oo:ParameterRangeGenericComponent → oo:Component Component for a generic type component scope
genericTypeInstance oo:genericTypeInstance oo:ParameterRangeGenericComponent → oo:ParameterRange Generic type instances for a generic type component scope
parameterRangeGenericType oo:parameterRangeGenericType oo:ParameterRangeGenericTypeReference → oo:GenericTypeParameter Generic type reference for a generic parameter range
parameterRangeIndexedObject oo:parameterRangeIndexedObject oo:ParameterRangeIndexed → oo:ParameterRange Object of an indexed parameter range
parameterRangeIndexedIndex oo:parameterRangeIndexedIndex oo:ParameterRangeIndexed → oo:ParameterRange Index of an indexed parameter range

Example: wildcard parameter

A parameter that accepts all values.

  "@id": "ex:MyParam",
  "range": {
    "@type": "ParameterRangeWildcard"

The corresponding TypeScript range would be any.

Example: optional parameter

A parameter that accepts the union of a defined boolean value or undefined.

  "@id": "ex:MyParam",
  "range": {
    "@type": "ParameterRangeUnion",
    "parameterRangeElements": [
        "@type": "ParameterRangeUndefined"

The corresponding TypeScript range would be boolean | undefined.

Example: array parameter

A parameter that accepts an array of string values.

  "@id": "ex:MyParam",
  "range": {
    "@type": "ParameterRangeArray",
    "parameterRangeValue": "xsd:string"

The corresponding TypeScript range would be string[].

Example: tuple parameter

A parameter that accepts a tuple type.

  "@id": "ex:MyParam",
  "range": {
    "@type": "ParameterRangeTuple",
    "parameterRangeElements": [
        "@type": "ParameterRangeRest",
        "parameterRangeValue": {
          "@type": "ParameterRangeArray",
          "parameterRangeValue": "xsd:string"

The corresponding TypeScript range would be [ boolean, boolean, ...string[] ].

Example: generic component

A parameter that accepts the generic instantiation of a component.

  "@id": "ex:MyParam",
  "range": {
    "@type": "ParameterRangeGenericComponent",
    "genericTypeInstancesComponentScope": "ex:MyGenericComponent",
    "genericTypeInstance": [ "xsd:boolean", "xsd:string" ]

The corresponding TypeScript range would be MyGenericComponent<boolean, string>.

Example: generic type reference

A parameter that accepts a generic of a component. Note that this generic should be defined in the component that owns this parameter.

  "@id": "ex:MyParam",
  "range": {
    "@type": "ParameterRangeGenericTypeReference",
    "parameterRangeGenericType": "ex:MyComponent__generic_T"

The corresponding TypeScript range would be T, where T is a genetic type of MyComponent.